The best solutions,
at fair prices!
Since the early 1980s APM Software GmbH has been selling and developing IT systems to schedule, control, and monitor batch processing in IT data centers.
Our goal is to satisfy our customers. We, therefore, continuously improve and optimize our product according to their specific needs.
APM stands for a variety of solutions to schedule, execute, and monitor enterprise batch processes based on a centralized scheduler.
Based on our years of experience, we develop our scheduler APX/PCC for your IT infrastructure. Our attention is focused on the ability to integrate cross-platform applications. APX/PCC provides for almost any operating system an integration solution.
APX/PCC is a quality product "Made in Germany"
It makes the automatic handling of all cross-platform batch processes in heterogeneous IT infrastructures possible
We cooperate closely with our customers to ensure that our products always fulfill current market requirements
APX/PCC meets quality standards and is based on proven technologies
We offer flexible deployment and scalable system solutions for job scheduling and workload automation
Our experience is based on strong customer relationships with well-known, internationally operating companies that lasted decades
APX/PCC has a user-friendly graphical interface
Since 1996, APX/PCC has been the premium product that can plan and control all IT platforms and has been implemented in various IT systems
The central control APX Control ensures that the right job on the right server can be executed at the right time
Benefits of APX/PCC: Optimal use of all IT resources, increased productivity, and improved service levels in data center operations
Flexible implementation in all IT environments and unlimited scalability of your batch processing